Learn how to help others with BHC’s new Occupational Therapy Assistant program
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
The Early Childhood Education program is offered by the Health and Human Services Department at the Quad-Cities Campus, Moline, through distance learning at the East Campus, and online courses. The Early Childhood Education program is especially designed to prepare persons to work with children birth through age five in a child care or preschool setting.
The Black Hawk College Early Childhood Education program has been approved as an entitled program through Gateways to Opportunity. Courses taken at Black Hawk College support the attainment of the following Gateways Credentials: Levels 2, 3, and 4; Infant-Toddler Credential Levels 2, 3, and 4.
Students must successfully document and meet all health and background checks required by academic programs and/or courses.
[Download not found]Several Illinois universities guarantee transfer for BHC students who have completed the Early Childhood Education AAS program (ECACE).
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
Students and faculty members in the PTA, PN and Surg Tech programs recently participated in a new interprofessional collaboration student project.
The 2024 Black Hawk College 5K Hustle raised more than $5,800 to provide scholarships for students in the BHC Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program.
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