Learn how to help others with BHC’s new Occupational Therapy Assistant program
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
The Associate in Applied Sciences in General Occupational and Technical Studies degree (GOTS) offers a flexible alternative for students to demonstrate occupational and technical competency.
Students can include credit earned in course, certificate completions, and/or credit for prior learning hours toward the AAS in General Occupational and Technical Studies. For inclusion in the degree, these hours must be part of an educational plan of study as determined in consultation with an occupational and technical advisor.
Students should enter Black Hawk College in the GOTS degree if they plan to later apply to these programs, which have selective admission requirements:
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
Students and faculty members in the PTA, PN and Surg Tech programs recently participated in a new interprofessional collaboration student project.
The 2024 Black Hawk College 5K Hustle raised more than $5,800 to provide scholarships for students in the BHC Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program.
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