Learn how to help others with BHC’s new Occupational Therapy Assistant program
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
Pending ICCB approval of proposed changes, this program is no longer accepting new students.
Students completing this associate degree will be able to:
Health information technology is a fast-growing occupation in the U.S. today. The HIM professional has a thorough knowledge of medical office procedures including:
The curriculum for this associate’s degree includes medical coding. Medical coding professionals stand in the crossroads of healthcare technology which is an important component of the healthcare delivery system.
HIM graduates are prepared to use health information technology to maintain, compile, and report health information data for reimbursement, facility planning, risk management, quality assessment and research, and code clinical data using appropriate classification systems and analyze health records according to the current standards.
Graduates document patient care and facilitate delivery of health care services. They are aware of all standards and requirements that apply to the medical record, as well as the legal significance of the patient file.
Black Hawk College is launching a new Occupational Therapy Assistant program in Fall 2025. Students must apply by May 12, 2025.
Students and faculty members in the PTA, PN and Surg Tech programs recently participated in a new interprofessional collaboration student project.
The 2024 Black Hawk College 5K Hustle raised more than $5,800 to provide scholarships for students in the BHC Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program.
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