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Transfer To Augustana College

Location: Rock Island, IL

Available Majors & Transfer Planning Guides

High Enrollment

This college is a frequent transfer destination for Black Hawk College students.

Transfer School Guidelines

Transfer GPA

2.5 preferred to be competitive

Minimum college credits to apply as transfer student

One semester (12 credit hours) following high school graduation

Application deadlines

Apply up to one year in advance.

  • Fall admission – April 1. Early-decision or early-action by Nov. 30.
  • Spring admission – Early in the prior fall term.

More resources

Agreements & Special Programs

Augustana POSSIBLE 

Financial aid program that meets 100% of demonstrated financial need toward direct costs of tuition, fees, housing and meals for qualifying newly enrolled students.

  • Transfer students may be eligible with a cumulative 3.5 GPA, 12 college credits after high school, and demonstrate high financial need.
  • The Augustana Possible Grant is in addition to all financial aid for which a student is eligible.

Augustana NEXT Dual Admission Articulation Agreement 

Early access to Augustana advisors, faculty, campus facilities and events.

  • Apply concurrently to BHC’s Associate in Arts degree and to Augustana.
  • May enroll in two Augustana courses at BHC tuition rates before transfer.
  • Automatic admission to Augustana upon earning the AA degree and meeting all Augustana transfer admission requirements.
Augie Dual Admission Agreement (PDF)

Black Hawk Scholar Award

A $1,500 scholarship for Black Hawk College graduates that is renewable each year of full-time enrollment.

IAI Participation

Last Modified:

Please confirm transfer requirements with the school of your choice.

Black Hawk College presents this information as a service for our students. Every effort is made to keep documents, details and links up to date. Some schools may have a separate application process and deadline for scholarships. Information presented pertains to domestic students only (visit College Advising Guide for Undocumented Students for more information). Always confirm requirements with a transfer school representative and/or the transfer school’s website. 

More to Explore


Academic Advising

Quad-Cities Campus

Building 1, Advising Center
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment

East Campus

Building A, Room 246
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment